Couples Therapy & Relationship Counseling

Not getting along with your partner can make you feel very frustrated and especially lonely.

Marriage counseling, or couples therapy, provide effective ways to repair and improve your relationship. Therapy with an expert couples counselor can help you learn to communicate, break repetitive negative cycles, heal from betrayal or resentment, increase intimacy, and bring you and your partner more contentment and joy.

Coming in for therapy can feel overwhelming, intimidating, even scary, but we are here to help. If you are reading this you have already taken a huge step in the direction of re-connecting with your partner.

We welcome you to contact us if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to be of help getting started.

Choosing the Right Counselor for Couples Therapy

What most people don’t realize is that anyone with a counseling degree can provide couples counseling as a service, even if they have no formal training working with couples. The Couples Clinic of Portland only employs couples therapists that are well trained in the most current and evidenced-based models of couples therapy and relationship counseling.

Our couples therapists offer both in-person and online appointments Monday through Friday. Learn more about them below or please contact us if we can help provide suggestions based on who might be a good fit based on your preferences or schedule.

Some relationship topics we commonly address in Couples Therapy include:




Mismatched Desire

Midlife Crises

Parenting Challenges

Power Struggles

Blended Families


Pre-Marital Counseling

Sex Therapy

Communication Skills

Polyamory & Nonmonogamous Relationships

Boundary Issues

Conflict Resolution

Addiction & It's Effects

Repairing Trust

Managing Anger


Divorce / Divorce-Adjustment

Common Myths & Misconceptions About Couples Therapy/ Relationship Counseling

Myth: Couples counseling involves a third party who will determine which of us is right

Your therapist will not take sides. Believe it or not, both of you are contributing to your relationship problems. A well trained therapist will be able to help you understand both of your patterns, habits, and narratives that are creating repetitive negative cycles in your relationship.

Myth: My therapist will determine whether we should stay together or break up

The role of a couples therapist is to help you understand how your relationship has gone wrong and to guide you- for as long as you are willing to try- in how to repair it. The decision of whether to stay in your relationship always belongs to you and your partner. There are usually positives and challenges to staying together, just as there are positives and challenges to breaking apart.

Most people can repair the problems in their relationship if their expectations are realistic and if they are both willing to do the work. Your therapist can’t predict how much you and your partner are willing to put in the work, so he/she can’t determine whether your relationship will be successful.

Counseling can help you get more understanding about what is going on in your relationship, as well as give you insight into your partner’s willingness and ability to work on it with you.

Myth: We could use help, but our problems aren’t significant enough to warrant seeking a professional

We wish people would come in early in their relationship to learn how to communicate and to better understand each other! It is never too soon. In fact, the longer you two repeat your same negative cycles, the harder it is to break those cycles. Couples counseling should not be reserved for when you are in crisis – you will get so much more from the experience if you come in before your relationship gets to the crisis stage.

Myth: We are too far gone; the situation is hopeless

The truth is that most couples don’t come to counseling until they have reached a crisis. Please understand that MOST (if not all) relationships are likely to experience a crisis that seems unrecoverable. When this happens, one or both partners often feels hopeless and full of despair. It is important to understand that significant, long-term problems can be resolved with couples counseling. As long as you are both still willing to try, and willing to work through some discomfort, there is a very good chance that your relationship will improve with counseling.

Myth: My partner is flawed; couples therapy will fix him/her/them

Many people come to couples counseling to get the therapist to change their partner. If this is what you are hoping for, you will be disappointed. A well trained couples therapist will never align with you in order to psychoanalyze your partner and convince him/her to change.

Both of you created the relationship together, and you are both going to have to change to break free of your negative cycles. Focusing on your partner’s ‘stuff’, rather than your own, will likely interfere with your own growth and probably make your partner feel defensive and resistant to change.

Myth: If we talk about our problems it will make things worse

You may have experienced that your own attempts to talk about your problems just made things worse, not better. However, a well trained couples therapist knows how to create a safe space where problems can be discussed productively. In many cases, the therapist will be able to help you both see each other’s struggles in new ways that open the door to healing and reconciliation.

Myth: Couples counseling is a waste of time and does not work

There is never any guarantee with therapy. Much depends on each individual’s willingness to also consistently work to make progress towards individual or relationship goals. However, the counselors at The Couples Clinic of Portland are trained in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and other evidenced based practices. EFT is backed by a substantial body of empirical research of its effectiveness: 70-75% of the couples move from distress to recovery, and approximately 90% of these show significant, long-term improvements.

If you have any questions or concerns about whether or not couples therapy is a good choice for your and your partner(s), please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to provide more information or do whatever we can to help.

The Couples Clinic of Portland

Couples, Individual, Children’s & Family Counseling in Portland, Oregon.

In-Person & Online Counseling for all residents of the state of Oregon

(Limited options for out of state residents as well – Inquire today!)

811 NW 19th Ave. Suite 301, Portland  OR  97209

Call or Text: 503-866-0299